Originally used in the dating scene, speeddating is an effective method for getting to know new team members and their backgrounds. Each participant brings topics they are passionate about, sharing them in quick rounds.
Early in a project, this method helps team members understand each other’s passions, interests, and reasoning. When used later, it’s a valuable tool for identifying connections between unrelated topics by following Step 2b and optional steps.
Step 1: Each participant selects five topics of interest and prepares a
short slideshow. Research isn’t necessary, but participants
should reflect on why they chose the topics.
Step 2a: Divide the group into subgroups of 2–3. Each person presents
one topic for five minutes. Listeners ask topic-related questions
unrelated ideas are noted but not voiced.
Step 2b: Listeners can share associations and connections between
subjects during the discussion.
Step 3: Rotate subgroups every 10–15 minutes until everyone has shared
all their topics.
Step 4: Collect all notes on a large sheet or wall, then spend 30 minutes
presenting individual findings.
Step 5: After a break, cluster related notes to identify shared interests or
new directions for exploration.